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Refund and Returns Policy

Order Cancellation

If the order has not been shipped, we accept requests to cancel the order. After the order is cancelled, the refund will be returned to the account you used to place the order.

Please note that we cannot cancel your order if it has already been shipped. If you need to cancel your order, please contact us ASAP before the order is shipped.

Returns (IApplicable)

Mecaworks offers a 7-day easy return. You can submit a return request within 7 days after the delivery.

If you request a return, please contact us first to obtain authorization for the return. To be eligible, the item must be unused and in the same condition as when you received it. When returning the item, the item must be placed in the original packaging.

After the preparation is complete, the customer service will provide an address so that you can send the package to the correct place.

* Customized orders or items are not eligible for the 30-day return policy.

Return Fees

If the return is due to the customer’s reasons, the customer is responsible for the shipping fees. Shipping charges for returns vary by product or carrier.

We do not charge restocking fees regardless of who is responsible.

Refunds (IApplicable)

You will receive a notification email after we receive and inspect the returned package. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.

If the refund is approved, your refund will be returned to your account. If you paid with Paypal, the refund will be completed within 24-48 hours. If you paid by credit card, the refund will usually be completed within 7-10 business days. (The exact time depends on your credit card company or bank)

If the refund is rejected, we will email you why we rejected it and offer an alternative refund amount or solution. If you disagree with the reasons for the rejection, please provide us with more details and we are willing to review it again for you.


After getting the refund approval, please wait patiently for the refund to be returned to your account. If you still have not received your refund after the regular processing time, please contact us or your credit card company. 

Customer Service Email: [email protected]

If we have processed and submitted your refund, it will be a third party such as Paypal, bank or credit card company that continues to process your refund. We can provide a refund voucher if you need it when contacting them.

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